About Justin Martin

I joined the repair industry in 2008 and helped create iGenie in 2010. The focus of iGenie wasn’t only to provide an avenue to repair smart phones and tablets, but to offer excellent customer service. My primary focus is Apple products but I am fully experienced with Samsung, HTC and LG smart devices. After thousands of devices serviced in my years in this industry you can feel confident in a great experience.
7 04, 2020

iPhone 6S Screen Repair

By |April 7th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Want to see what a basic repair process looks like? In this video we are repairing the screen on an iPhone 6S. We will be highlighting more repair videos in the coming weeks focusing on different types of electronic repairs.   https://youtu.be/7ZF6uprXT8M

13 03, 2020

Statement regarding health and safety from iGenie

By |March 13th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

  Even before the outbreak of Covid-19 we had a series of steps we took to mitigate the spread of germs. Phones carry tons of germs on them and we handle a LOT of phones so we have had routines in place to keep our employees and customers safe using hand sanitizers and surface disinfectants. [...]

30 01, 2020

Common Question About Battery Life

By |January 30th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Battery Maintenance and Reliability: We have been getting a lot of questions about battery health and the best practices to keep batteries from failing prematurely. The primary reason batteries fail is overtime a plague builds up on the terminals limiting the amount of lithium ions returning to the store of the battery. This is why [...]